In the process of revising DSL & site.

Forum: User Feedback
Topic: In the process of revising DSL & site.
started by: John

Posted by John on June 19 2012,00:47
Hello everyone! �It has been a very long time. �I am currently updating this website and doing a small revision, as well as a bug fix release of DSL.

Part of the plan is to upload a static archive of the dynamic content on this site and then update the server. �My goal in the process is to keep all the knowledge accessible during the transition.

Posted by emusan on June 22 2012,06:39
WEWT! I just happened to be on my DSL machine right now and figured I'd check the ol' forums and see what was up, this just made my day :D. I would love to see this distro come alive again! If you need some help transitioning the server and such I'd be willing to lend a hand (I've recently been thinking of hosting a mirror as well).
Posted by John on June 22 2012,07:28
Thanks for the support Emusan!  At this point my biggest hurdle is saving all these pages statically and in a way that is still accessible.  I have much of it done, I'm working on archiving these forums right now.
Posted by damnit on June 22 2012,18:19
Awesome! Totally Awesome! Damn interested in continuing using dsl, is the scope changing? Interested in helping also...
Posted by John on June 22 2012,20:30
Thanks Damnit!
>is the scope changing?
Not at this time.

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