Newer version of rdesktop....??

Forum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: Newer version of rdesktop....??
started by: cgeller

Posted by cgeller on Oct. 20 2003,17:28
Thanks for such a great piece of software! �Great stuff and I'm slowly learning......

One request I have would be for a newer version of rdesktop for the CD-run version. �I think �the newer version of rdesktop will support more than 8 bit color. �When I connect to my termserver, I can only get 8 bit right now. �16 would be nice. I might try and do a hard drive install, but I'm not too sure how to upgrade stuff yet.

Thanks again. �Chuck

Posted by Dakrone on Oct. 20 2003,19:51
Try doing an apt-get install rdesktop and if that doesn't work try doing an apt-get remove rdesktop and then installing it again to get the newest version

Posted by cgeller on Oct. 21 2003,12:07
Dakrone - thanks for the help. The install option didn't work with an error stating " Package rdesktop has no available version.....mentioned in a dependancy.......obsoleted, etc.  When I tried the remove option, the error said "..not installed, so not removed".  But it IS there......

But to be honest, I'd rather be able to run the entire DSL package from a CD if possible.  Maybe the next time a version is put out, it will include the newer rdesktop.

Thanks again for your time and patience.

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