DSL installed on USB keychain

Forum: DSL Ideas and Suggestions
Topic: DSL installed on USB keychain
started by: [GF]Burke

Posted by [GF]Burke on Dec. 02 2003,09:58
First off, love your product - it ownz.

I am making a list for my site and through all my searches, I do not see an installable Linux distro on a USB keychain. �
We know this will be done, it's a matter of time. Since your distro (ownz) and is small, it could fit. �I wanted to post my idea here first, because I cannot do this, and the other distros are just too damn big.
Most mobo's these days allow booting from these keychains.

any thoughts or ideas?


(unless you guys are already doing this, please- hook me up)


Posted by [GF]Burke on Dec. 02 2003,11:45
ok, found the answer to that. apparntly just burn iso, remove files from cd to thumbdrive.

my 2nd question is:  Does DSL like USB WiFi adaptors? -->
< Linksys >

Posted by randy on Dec. 03 2003,02:34
its a small world :)

[GF] - You were on thebroken forums, and Yoshi's.

I'm Randy on both of those forums ;).

Posted by [GF]Burke on Dec. 03 2003,04:58
lol, sup man

i dont go to thebrok'n anymore.

I am in the process of making a "special" pc..  a PC that fits in the palm of your hand.  shhh.
if i can get this distro or puppy working with the usb wifi, ill be set.  I dont have the wifi yet, just gett'n ready.

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