Why use DSL instead of Ubuntu?

Forum: Linux �and Free Software
Topic: Why use DSL instead of Ubuntu?
started by: unubuntu

Posted by unubuntu on June 11 2006,15:32
Please let us know why you use DSL at < unUbuntu.com >.  If you're sick of all the Ubuntu talk post a comment and count yourself in.
Posted by kerry on June 11 2006,16:59
Sorry, count me out. I happen to like ubuntu(dapper,not breezy) for it's simplisty. I use Xubuntu everyday,i'm on it now. Why would you want to rag on a distro? If you don't like it, just don't use it! Did you just start that site? It only has 3 post's proably yours.
Posted by humpty on June 11 2006,17:13
you mean DSL is not Unbuntu ? dannggg! i want my money back !
Posted by newOldUser on June 11 2006,17:51
I like and use both distributions. They have very different assets and objectives. I even like (ok, maybe I should say, I don't hate) Windows. �I use whatever operating system/distributions make sense for the project I'm working on. I thought that was the whole point, to have a choice.
Posted by kerry on June 11 2006,18:20
Carefull with that site it might be just for getting your email address so they can spam you. That's why there no privacy statement. I'm looking into it know.

Domain Name.......... unubuntu.com
 Creation Date........ 2006-06-11
 Registration Date.... 2006-06-11
 Expiry Date.......... 2007-06-11
 Organisation Name.... chris haney
 Organisation Address. P O Box 99800
 Organisation Address.
 Organisation Address. EmeryVille
 Organisation Address. 94662
 Organisation Address. CA
 Organisation Address. US

Admin Name........... PrivateRegContact Admin
 Admin Address........ P O Box 99800
 Admin Address........
 Admin Address........ EmeryVille
 Admin Address........ 94662
 Admin Address........ CA
 Admin Address........ US
 Admin Email.......... [email protected]
 Admin Phone.......... +1.5105952002
 Admin Fax............

Tech Name............ PrivateRegContact TECH
 Tech Address......... P O Box 99800
 Tech Address.........
 Tech Address......... EmeryVille
 Tech Address......... 94662
 Tech Address......... CA
 Tech Address......... US
 Tech Email........... [email protected]
 Tech Phone........... +1.5105952002
 Tech Fax.............
 Name Server.......... yns1.yahoo.com
 Name Server.......... yns2.yahoo.com

Posted by clivesay on June 11 2006,19:03
Same person posted this in the Mepis forums too.
Posted by kerry on June 11 2006,19:04
Yep a BAD egg.
< http://castlecops.com/modules....29&in=1 >

They try anything these days, but he used the same phone number in his registration.

< http://groups.google.se/group....t&hl=sv >
< http://forums.ebay.com/db2....7371534 >

Posted by kerry on June 11 2006,19:19
If you use other forums and see him post let people know it's a scam.-
Posted by kerry on June 11 2006,23:00
Can you beleave this jerk he hacked mepis and changed my links.

I hope you have better security over here.

Posted by kerry on June 12 2006,00:01
Oop's that he is a she->

* Michelle Parker
* 355 Smith Street
* Holmdel
* NJ
* 07733
* US
* Michelle Parker
* 355 Smith Street
* Holmdel
* NJ
* 07733
* US
* michelleparker1900@
* yahoo.com
* 739-111-1111


* Michelle Parker
* PO BOX 99800
* Emeryville
* CA
* 94662
* US
* Admin
* PO BOX 99800
* Emeryville
* CA
* 94662
* US
* contact@private
* registration.com
* 510-595-2002

Posted by kerry on June 12 2006,00:25
< http://users.ipfw.edu/parkerm/ >

Posted by ZoOp on June 12 2006,06:28
Nice job Kerry!
I find ubuntu very interesting. Moreover, it's the only one distro that my wife would use if I get her to use one linux-distro one day.

Posted by kerry on June 15 2006,03:24
I hope not to many linux user's got caught by that. There sites already gone. Got to be careful and watch for other tricks they might use. Hopefully the won't come back.
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