Hitch Linux Live CD

Forum: Linux �and Free Software
Topic: Hitch Linux Live CD
started by: monica

Posted by monica on Mar. 09 2007,22:50
Hi everybody,

I'd like to let you know that is now available the Hitch Linux Live CD which include Celtx.
Hitch is a complete working environment for screenwriters completely self contained and based on DSL.
It includes a complete desktiop, Gaim, Firefox, Rox, Celtx, a script library of 100 titles in .pdf format, and more., all in a 100mb Mini CD
Right now, I uploaded the spanish version only.
It can be downloaded from the following link.

< http://www.alucine.com.mx/hitch/ >

You can also visit the hitch forum and give us feedback at

< http://www.alucine.com.mx/forum/index.php >

English and Italian version will be ready soon.
Thanks to the Celtx team for this great software.

Enjoy it.

Posted by humpty on Mar. 11 2007,15:18
please post again when english version done :-]
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