Super Grub

Forum: Linux �and Free Software
Topic: Super Grub
started by: the Missing M

Posted by the Missing M on Mar. 27 2007,06:49
Okay, I hope I'm posting in the right category this time.

To recap;

Quote (the Missing M @ Mar. 25 2007,05:20)
[...snip, for length]

The following is not intended to replace Grub or Lilo, but might be useful in recovering a damaged or *cough* overwritten *cough* MBR, and restoring Grub and/or Lilo and/or Windows and/or all of the above to a usable state.

< >

Whether I need it or not, I will make sure to try this thing out as soon as possible, then get back to you.

Okay.� Been there, done that, now.

I do recommend having a look at it, but not for the same reasons I'd expected to.

Super Grub is probably better for educational purposes than in practical, day-to-day use.� It does offer an interesting little tour of possible booting options and configurations -- all of them, I think -- without cluttering any one screen too much, at any one time.� Each screen devotes itself to a particular topic, and navigating between screens is pretty straightforward, not unlike browsing a tree of hyperlinked documents.� Actually, the way it uses arrow-keys for navigation kind of reminds me of Lynx, a text-based web browser.

Yes you *can* screw things up by choosing the wrong option, then following through on that option, but you can also just wander around and learn about stuff, without affecting anything.� Only moderate caution is required, but it is required at all times [which might aid the learning process anyway, because at least this ensures you'll be paying attention...].

It does get pretty verbose, and would become tedious in daily use, especially for someone who already knows what they're doing.� Each menu is preceded by a description of its various options, and there's no way to avoid the description.

Then again, if only used in emergencies it shouldn't get too repetitive, unless you have a lot of emergencies...� Anyway, having to pass through various screens of info might encourage the user to *slow_down*, *chill_out*, and think about what they're doing, when things go wrong.� What's your rush anyway?� Whatever stoped working will keep not-working, no matter how you feel about it.� Might as well just sit back and spend a minute or two weighing your options.� In the meantime, at least you've got something to read.

Also, with a little tweaking I could see something like this used as a kind of `pre-boot primer' for a live CD; the default choice being a default boot, without a lot of unnecessary chatter, while the other option branches off into misc reading material, boot-command hints, default username/passwords for the system you're about to run... whatever.� Could even throw in some ASCII art pages, if you want.


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