traduz_ita_4.4.10.dslForum: The Testing Area Topic: traduz_ita_4.4.10.dsl started by: roberts Posted by roberts on Nov. 18 2008,23:39
Thanks to jls for both a .dsl and .unc of
Posted by jls legalize on Nov. 19 2008,02:06
Non usare questa estensione xch� c'� un errore in filetool.lua.Don't use this extension cause there is an error in filetool.lua Posted by roberts on Nov. 19 2008,04:55
Revision 2 now posted!traduz_ita_4.4.10-rev2.dsl traduz_ita_4.4.10-rev2.unc Posted by jls legalize on Nov. 21 2008,19:56
Non usare questa estensione xch� c'� un errore in't use this extension cause there is an error in la terza revisione della traduzione parziale la potete trovare su < > U can find the third revision of the partial translation on < > legalize cannabis, coke, ero. Posted by roberts on Nov. 24 2008,02:33
Revision 3 now posted!traduz_ita_4.4.10-rev3.dsl traduz_ita_4.4.10-rev3.unc Posted by roberts on Nov. 29 2008,16:59
Revision 4 now posted!traduz_ita_4.4.10-rev4.dsl traduz_ita_4.4.10-rev4.unc Posted by jls legalize on Dec. 04 2008,20:53
sorry again, but in rev4 there is an error in the mirror selection window, I sent to robert the correctionlegalize cannabis, coke, ero. Posted by jls legalize on Dec. 08 2008,11:24
Potete trovare la nuova traduzione < qui >U can find the new translation < here > As usual, I sent the new revision to extensions at, but this is what Robert replyed:
Posted by florian on Dec. 08 2008,17:05
Hi! How to submit extension then?
Posted by jls legalize on Dec. 11 2008,17:31
revisione 6 pubblicata, guarda 2 messaggi prima x il sito dove scaricarla.revision 6 posted, see 2 posts before for download link. legalize cannabis, coke, ero. Posted by Vink8 on Jan. 25 2009,18:09
I have made some italian translation to /home/dsl/.torsmorcTEXT ${color green}Up:$color ${upspeed eth0} k/s${color gold} - Down:$color ${downspeedf eth0} k/s ${color blue}$hr ${color grey}Processi:$color $processes ${color grey}Uso CPU:$color $cpu% ${color violet}${cpubar 3} ${color grey}RAM usata:$color $mem/$memmax - $memperc% ${color orange}${membar 3} ${color grey}Swap Used:$color $swap/$swapmax - $swapperc% ${color grey}${swapbar 3} ${color grey}File di sistema: / $color${fs_used /}/${fs_free /}/${fs_size /} ${color grey}${fs_bar 3 /} /home $color${fs_used /home/dsl}/${fs_free /home/dsl}/${fs_size /home/dsl} ${color grey}${fs_bar 3 /home/dsl} ${color red}$hr ${color grey}$sysname $kernel ${color grey}su $color$machine ${color grey}Acceso da:$color $uptime ${color green}$hr$color ${color grey}Host:$color ${execi 180 ~/.torsmo_ip} ${color grey}Utente:${color lime} $nodename How to integrate in traduz_ita_4.4.10.dsl ver6 How to add italian vocabulary to Firefox Posted by jls legalize on Mar. 05 2009,19:35
.torsmorc was already translated, on how to add the italian vocabulary to firefox I don`t knowlegalize cannabis, coke, ero Posted by Vink8 on Mar. 09 2009,17:30
dsl dma toram alsa lang=it@ jls legalize Very happy to find on-line, You there! I know perfectly that you have made this and many other system file translation, I have only proposed my version. Please you can explain how to merge my files version in your translation pack to create a new translation pack? Please be patient, I have many suggestions to improve: In Jvm Menu Applicazioni Souno [Audio (better for me) or Suono (italian correct)] Getting started, English, bring some html non conformity; Getting started, your italian version, add other errors, that also old version of Dillo display; My Getting started, improved version, is what I want to see, and is tested conforming W3C Standard (Html and Css) < > < > For not truly Firefox but very old Mozilla Bon Echo (old transition version based on rv:1.8.1 of Gecko dated 02/11/2006) at this moment, March 2009, Firefox is 3.0.7 I Do: to /usr/local/firefox/chrome/ add (italian menu) it.jar it.manifest to usr/local/firefox/component/ add (old flash, better of nothing) flashplayer.xpt in usr/local/firefox/default/pref/ change the content of firefox-l10n.js to (enable italian menu) pref("general.useragent.locale", "it-IT"); in firefox.js and /or other files or trough about:config made many configuration tuning intl.accept.languages accessibility.typehead.find security.dialog_enable_delay in usr/local/firefox/plugins/ add (old flash, better of nothing) in usr/local/firefox/res/ svg.css (but in this old Linux and very old Gecko, Scalable Vector Graphic, .svg files remain Unknown) in usr/local/firefox/searchplugins/ delete yahoo.xml and add demauro.xml wikipedia-it.xml yahoo-it.xml After this, my essential plugins are adblockplus-1.0.0-it-IT.xpi dictionnaire_myspell_en_fran_atilde_acirc_sect_ais-1.0.1-fx+zm+tb.xpi dizionario_italiano-3.1-fx+zm+tb.xpi msnmsgr-0.8.4.xpi united_states_english_dictionary-3.0.3-fx+tb+sm.xpi @jls legalize Davvero contento di ritrovarti on-line qui! So perfettamente che tu hai fatto 1 gran lavoro traducendo questo e molti altri file di sistema, ma io ho solo proposto la mia versione. < Mozilla Italia > Posted by jls legalize on Mar. 13 2009,13:30
guarda nel wiki come si fa a fare una estensione.comunque x modificare la mia, prendi la .dsl, la rinomini in .tar.gz, apri emelfm, c doppioclicchi sopra e emelfm te la scompatta, aggiungi i files che t servono, selezioni tutte le cartelle da ricomprimere, tasto destro su emewlfm e pack poi dai un bel <traduz_ita...> da riga d comando e la rinomini in .dsl Se vuoi fare anche il .unc c'� il comando dsl2unc Posted by Vink8 on Mar. 27 2009,17:27
@jls legalizeI have followed your suggestion to modify a trad_ita.dsl but someting is wrong because the resulting file is inusable. When i use declobber I read an advise like traduz_ita_v_7.tar.gz isn't a .dsl file I put howewer this file inside a dir in my usb pen called MyDsl/ with other useful .dsl and .uci but the result is negative. Please note that my Damn Small Linux isn't installed, I work Live. I was gone in the wiki, but I don't undestand much more. Want a smiling days? Made Dsl better and share it! Posted by Vink8 on Nov. 03 2009,01:06
I have made some Italian translation and correction/revision to /home/dsl/.Jwmrc<Menu icon="folder.xpm" label="Applicazioni"> <Menu icon="folder_cyan.xpm" label="Editor"> �<Program icon="edit.xpm" label="Beaver">beaver</Program> �<Program icon="text.xpm" label="Nano">aterm +tr -T "Nano" -e nano-tiny</Program> �<Program icon="notepad.xpm" label="Notepad">editor</Program> �<Program icon="vim.xpm" label="Vim">aterm +tr -T "Vim" -e vi</Program> </Menu> <Menu icon="jpeg.xpm" label="Grafica"> �<Program icon="icon.xpm" label="iconView"> /usr/local/bin/iconView.lua</Program> �<Program icon="xpaint.xpm" label="mtPaint"> /usr/bin/X11/mtpaint </Program> �<Program icon="find.xpm" label="Xzoom"> xzoom </Program> �<Program icon="picture.xpm" label="xzgv Image Viewer"> /usr/bin/xzgv </Program> </Menu> <Menu icon="folder_blue.xpm" label="Office"> �<Program icon="wp.xpm" label="Ted editor di testo"> ted </Program> �<Program icon="spreadsheet.xpm" label="Siag Spreadsheet"> /usr/local/bin/siag </Program> �<Program icon="xpdf.xpm" label="PDF Viewer"> /usr/bin/xpdf </Program> �<Program icon="msword.xpm" label="MS Word Viewer"> �/usr/local/bin/wordview.lua </Program> �<Program icon="gvu.xpm" label="Postscript Viewer"> /usr/local/bin/gvu </Program> �<Program icon="calc.xpm" label="Calcolatrice"> flminicalc </Program> �<Program icon="calendar.xpm" label="Calendario"> /usr/local/bin/calendar.lua </Program> �<Program icon="pim2.xpm" label="SQLite Book">/usr/local/bin/</Program> �<Program icon="pim.xpm" label="PIM using Index"> �aterm +tr -T "PIM using Index" -e /usr/bin/index </Program> �<Program icon="fetch.xpm" label="Net Dictionary"> �aterm +tr -T "Internet Dictionary" -e /usr/local/bin/getword </Program> </Menu> <Menu icon="audio.xpm" label="Audio"> �<Program icon="dmix.xpm" label="Dmix Mixer audio">dmix</Program> �<Program icon="phone.xpm" label="gPhone">gphone</Program> �<Program icon="xmms.xpm" label="Xmms Audio/MPEG">xmms</Program> �<Program icon="cd.xpm" label="Xmms Play CD"> xmms /dev/cdrom </Program> </Menu> <Menu icon="folder_grape.xpm" label="Net"> �<Menu icon="internet.xpm" label="Browser"> � �<Program icon="firefox.xpm" label="Firefox"> /usr/local/bin/firefox </Program> � �<Program icon="dillo.xpm" label="Dillo"> dillo file:/usr/share/doc/dsl/getting_started.html </Program> � �<Program icon="html.xpm" label="Netrik"> aterm +tr -T "Netrik" -e /usr/local/bin/netrik <</Program> > �</Menu> <Menu icon="folder_yellow.xpm" label="Strumenti"> �<Program icon="files-yellow.xpm" label="Add to Bootlocal"> /usr/local/bin/add2bootlocal.lua</Program> �<Program icon="files-green.xpm" label="Add to Filetool"> /usr/local/bin/add2filetool.lua</Program> �<Program icon="files-red.xpm" label="Add to Xfiletool"> /usr/local/bin/add2Xfiletool.lua</Program> �<Program icon="filetypes.xpm" label="dfmext GUI"> /usr/local/bin/dfmext.lua</Program> �<Program icon="program.xpm" label="fldiff Compare Files"> /usr/local/bin/fldiff</Program> �<Menu icon="folder_yellow.xpm" label="Emelfm File Manager"> � �<Program icon="filemgr.xpm" label="Emelfm"> /usr/X11R6/bin/emelfm </Program> � �<Program icon="filemgr.xpm" label="Emelfm as super-user"> sudo /usr/X11R6/bin/emelfm </Program> �</Menu> <Menu icon="folder_green.xpm" label="Games"> �<Menu icon="folder.xpm" label="Exit"> � <Restart icon="reboot.xpm" label="Riavvia Window Manager"/> � <Program icon="wmgr.xpm" label="Cambia Window Manager">switcher.lua</Program> � <Program icon="exit.xpm" label="Opzioni di uscita">dslexit</Program> �</Menu> </RootMenu> I'm using Opera so I add .opera/urlfilter.ini Opera Preferences version 2.1 ; Do not edit this file while Opera is running ; This file is stored in UTF-8 encoding [prefs] prioritize excludelist=1 [include] * [exclude] < http://*.ads.* > < http://** > < http://** > < http://** > < http://*/ads/* > < http://*banner* > < http://** > < http://** > < http://*linkexchange* > < http://*20dollars2surf* > < http://ad.* > < http://ads.* > < http://adserv* > < http://count* > <* > <* > <* > and ouw920_it.lng Someone can explain me HOW open opera925.uci to add this files (4ever!), [/ramdisk/opt/jre1_5_0/lib/i386/] configure java support... Dsl dma toram lang=it nopcmcia alsa < Forum: Damn Small Linux France > |