Player+java dont work on net

Forum: Multimedia
Topic: Player+java dont work on net
started by: B�ny�sz

Posted by B�ny�sz on Jan. 26 2006,17:10
Next  steps...
I made myDSL CD succesfully,  it has what I want, but some things are wrong and not working.
Firefox+java the chats do not work. Chat says please install missing java. (I have java uci installed.
Firefox+mplayer plugin produces the  same result: no playing nothing!
Mplayer- if I chose play url gives an error message  of some failure or other.
I have several other thiings,   but first lets see if got answers or not...

Posted by plinej on Jan. 26 2006,20:14
If you have the java.uci mounted than all you need to do is create a symbolic link to the plugin.

ln -sf /opt/jre1_5_0/plugin/i386/ns7/ /opt/.firefox_plugins/

restart firefox and you should have java support

As for mplayer you'll probably have to load the plugin into the same firefox_plugins directory although I don't use that plugin so I can't help you there.

Posted by plinej on Jan. 26 2006,20:27
go to this page for plugin help:

< >

Posted by plinej on Jan. 28 2006,03:21
I didn't notice that the mplayer plugins have been made into a dsl package. Get it here:

< >

It puts the plugins right in your /opt/.firefox_plugins/ directory.

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