Elmo man page

Forum: Net
Topic: Elmo man page
started by: MDG

Posted by MDG on Feb. 13 2007,04:03

I've been searching and searching for Elmo man page or any kind of overview of how to use Elmo - the link to the man page at sourceforge is broken.  I have a really old laptop and thought Elmo would be great on it.  Would love to get it working with Gnupg.dsl extension.

Any help is greatly, greatly appreciated  :)


Posted by mikshaw on Feb. 13 2007,05:24
This isn't in a format that is easily read online, but it should work in man
< http://elmo.cvs.sourceforge.net/*checko....ion=1.7 >

Posted by MDG on Feb. 13 2007,13:05
Thanks Mikshaw!!!  :)


Posted by lucky13 on Feb. 13 2007,14:35
Quote (MDG @ Feb. 12 2007,23:03)
I have a really old laptop and thought Elmo would be great on it. �Would love to get it working with Gnupg.dsl extension.

You might also want to check out this page for a X hack of it. Basically a tutorial with examples for hooks and rules and other config tricks.

< http://www.modest-proposals.com/xwoaf/Elmo.txt >

As far as GPG/PGP goes, remember it only has limited support (sig verification). If you want more than that, like encryption, you may need to get something like Mutt.

Posted by MDG on Feb. 14 2007,01:00
Thanks - you and Mikshaw have been a tremendous help.  

I was hoping for encryption too, but I know there are some issues with Mutt and DSL.  

Thank you so much for all your help!!


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