two firefox q's

Forum: Net
Topic: two firefox q's
started by: jshaw

Posted by jshaw on Feb. 17 2007,18:31
Is it possible to launch programs with a link in firefox. I.E. can i make a startpage with links to the few programs i use.  The reason I'm asking is because i'm using ratpoison and don't want to use icons on the desktop.

Also, how do i lauch firefox and make it automatically open a set of tabs from my bookmarks?



Posted by mikshaw on Feb. 17 2007,20:23
I don't think it's possible, although I'm not sure.  Internet Explorer seems to more be integrated with Windows Explorer than most other browsers are with file managers. Something like Konqueror or Nautilus would probably have similar functionality, since they are both file manager and web browser.

You could create keybinds to run programs in ratpoison. I think this is the most common approach.

You can set the default startpage of Firefox to a bookmark folder, which will open those bookmarks when you start up.
I'm not positive this works in Firefox 1.x, though.

Posted by jshaw on Feb. 17 2007,22:31
Thanks, I probably will go with the key bindings, I was just wanting something to fool around with.  And setting the default start page to a folder will open all the pages therein.  Thanks again.


Posted by mikshaw on Feb. 17 2007,23:11
One thing you might consider for launching apps in ratpoison is dmenu:
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It's a tiny program that uses stdin to create a list of choices along the top of your screen.  The choice is simply printed to stdout, but you can write a simple script to use that as a way to run applications.
dmenu will compile in DSL with only gcc and xlib, so gcc-with-libs is more than enough to do it.

Posted by lucky13 on Feb. 18 2007,14:33
Quote (jshaw @ Feb. 17 2007,13:31)
Is it possible to launch programs with a link in firefox. I.E. can i make a startpage with links to the few programs i use. �The reason I'm asking is because i'm using ratpoison and don't want to use icons on the desktop.

You can probably do that with either dummy files or real ones since you can set firefox up with various handler applications for different file types by extension. You could do that by setting your home page to a local HTML with links that will launch whatever programs you want to open. For example, if you wanted to open ted via firefox you could set ted up to open RTF files and create a link to an empty local RTF file on your home page (or whatever HTML you want to use to open apps); you could also set it up to open to files you regularly would want to open (e.g., if you regularly edit the same TXT file with beaver you could set it to open that file and associate TXT with beaver; that, though, would open beaver on every text-file instance including web content).

It might be trickier with file management and other apps. I really haven't tried it to see because I think using something with the overhead of a program like firefox as a menu or app launcher defeats the rationale behind ratpoison. I think there are a lot more efficient ways to skin that cat, either with one of the menu programs (ratmen, ratmenu, dmenu as Mikshaw recommended) or just sticking with ctrl-t-c each time or using the same terminal window to launch apps.


Also, how do i lauch firefox and make it automatically open a set of tabs from my bookmarks?

You can define a set of tabs as your firefox home page and then set firefox to open to home. That would open them all when you start firefox or click on the home icon or alt-home. I stopped using tabs under ratpoison when I installed the Conkeror extension. I recommend it if you're using ratpoison to avoid using a mouse or touch pad.

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