2 things that would make DSL-N perfect for me!!!

Forum: DSL-N
Topic: 2 things that would make DSL-N perfect for me!!!
started by: fractal22

Posted by fractal22 on Mar. 08 2007,13:42
I have an old Toshiba Libretto 70CT.  I installed DSL-N succesfully and it works really well. In fact its turned this old outdated piece of kit into something nearly usable!  Thanks to the DSL team!

BUT if only I could get two things two work.

1 I am looking for a simple VPN client that will enable me to connect to my works SSL VPN.  I have dabbled with PPPTd without success. I was hoping to install the Cisco VPN client for Linux but not sure is this is wise.

2 I have a 16bit Vodafone GPRS card. Its a rebadged option globetrotter, slow bu works well.  I am at a loss as how to go about installing this.  Does anyone have any ideas?

Great work guys thanks all!!!!

Posted by Juanito on April 04 2007,06:31
Quote (fractal22 @ Mar. 08 2007,12:42)
2 I have a 16bit Vodafone GPRS card. Its a rebadged option globetrotter, slow bu works well. �I am at a loss as how to go about installing this. �Does anyone have any ideas?

Does the manufacturer's website have anything about a driver for the card?

In terms of making a gprs call, I posted a couple of chat scripts that worked on DSL for gprs over bluetooth/irda - I think you would only need to change the com port from rfcomm0/ircomm0 for them to work with your card

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