DSL v3.4.3

Forum: Site News
Topic: DSL v3.4.3
started by: roberts

Posted by roberts on Sep. 18 2007,03:36
A minor release for for DSL v3.4 is now available.

Change Log for DSL v3.4.3
* Updated icontool.lua - select icon by image
* Updated torsmo v0.18
* New automatic update of etc.ld.cache for uci .so files
* Updated functions5.lua
* Updated mydslDownload.lua
* Removed obsolete and unused files and directories

Posted by roberts on Sep. 18 2007,03:49
I would like to thank mikshaw for his lua code for icon display in the updated icontool.lua.

Thanks to andrewb for contributing the updated torsmo.

-- Robert

Posted by Juanito on Oct. 22 2007,15:33
Is it possible that the "new automatic update of etc.ld.cache for uci .so files" could cause strage behaviour if an identical lib exists in the base dsl system?

The reason I ask is that I compiled glibc-2.3.2 - principally to get the headers - and did not clean up all of the duplicated libs. A tar.gz extension works but a uci extension gives a segmentation fault when I try to load it - I built the uci twice to be sure there were no file errors.

Posted by roberts on Oct. 22 2007,16:29
The process is doing nothing more than adding to /etc/ld.so.conf and running ldconfig. You can always edit your /etc/ld.so.conf and manually run ldconfig. Are you running legacy? Is there any difference?
Posted by Juanito on Oct. 23 2007,07:32
I tried booting from two different usb sticks - one legacy and one without legacy - and the result was the same:
Code Sample
$ mydsl-load /tmp/build.uci
/tmp/build.uci sucessfully loaded!
/usr/bin/iconsnap.sh: line 10: �2628 Segmentation fault � � �iconsnap.lua

I tried a couple of other uci and they loaded without errors. I'll try removing the libs that are duplicates of those in the base dsl and see if that changes anything.

Posted by roberts on Oct. 23 2007,15:15
uci extensions are ready-only and were never intended to be used for system overlays. They are for self contained applications. It would appear that you are attempting to create a uci when a unc would be more approriate.

Extension building questions/issues are not really appropriate as "Site News". They should be in the mydsl extension area(s).

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