0.9 is out

Forum: Site News
Topic: 0.9 is out
started by: John

Posted by John on Dec. 02 2004,17:33
This release was a lot of work for both Robert and I, some features are gained and a few are lost.  Overall we believe this is a big improvement.  

Change Log for 0.9.0<BR>
-- added Firefox web browser<BR>
-- MediaPlayer, enjoympeg and ascd doc app replaces xmms<BR>
-- Minimum Profit editor replaces Scite<BR>
-- added spell checking for Sylpheed email<BR>
-- update emelfm filetypes for multimedia<BR>
-- many space saving cuts were implemented<BR>
-- dropped Tuxnes, Zile and Mutella<BR>

I built a Lua-FLTK gui wrapper to replace XMMS, it can handle input via command line or browser input.  There is also a simple m3u script which can handle a single stream.  Look to Media.flua to incorporate more features in future releases.  We are also in a process of providing the removed applications as extensions in the repository.

Posted by cbagger01 on Dec. 02 2004,18:21

HTF did you fit a 10MB (compressed) application Firefox into an existing 50MB distro?

As long as Minimum Profit is minimally usable, this is a big leap forward.

Gotta D/L tonite...

Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Dec. 02 2004,18:29
Posted by ico2 on Dec. 02 2004,18:31
i did quite like scite though. but firefox makes up for everything
Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Dec. 02 2004,18:40
does this break any extensions, or am i safe to burn my MyDSL cd?
Posted by clivesay on Dec. 02 2004,19:18
Hate that I am away on business �:angry:

Can't wait to d/l. I think that is the most excited I've seen CB. �:;):

I have to admit that I had to read the changelog a few times to really believe that you guys got Firefox in DSL!! I'm with CB, I don't know how the heck you did this. The apps you took out make sense to me for what you were able to add.

I'll say it again, Firefox as a base app will be HUGE for many people, especially new users. It is obvious that John and Robert have heard enough of the "dillo is not enough" cries and took it upon themselves to do something about it.

This is a prime example where mydsl and the repository have opened up so many possibilities. Want Scite, put it on the CD as a .dsl and load at will!

Amazing work! BRAVO!!!


Posted by roberts on Dec. 02 2004,20:20
I have just uploaded Xmms and Zile to the repository.

Xmms is in the multimedia section.
Zile is in the apps section.

These are the same versions that were in prior versions of DSL.

Scite is already in the repository under the apps section.

Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Dec. 02 2004,22:33
is MP just tons smaller than scite?

because it doesn't support copy and paste, or really much of anything.

Vim is better, and vim kinda sucks.

Posted by laughing_gas on Dec. 02 2004,23:14
cut = ctrl+q
copy = ctrl+c
paste = ctrl+v

delete line = ctrl+y
f9  mark  (to copy block) -- can do the same by pressing and holding left mouse button and right clicking
f8  unmark

Check out About -> help on keys.

Posted by roberts on Dec. 02 2004,23:34
dsl-embedded-0.9.zip is now available for download.
This is packaged with the latest stable release of qemu-0.6.1

Posted by green on Dec. 03 2004,01:38
Posted by SaidinUnleashed on Dec. 03 2004,03:37
Quote (laughing_gas @ Dec. 02 2004,17:14)
cut = ctrl+q
copy = ctrl+c
paste = ctrl+v

delete line = ctrl+y
f9  mark  (to copy block) -- can do the same by pressing and holding left mouse button and right clicking
f8  unmark

Check out About -> help on keys.

Ah, okay.

Okay it's just (very) wierd way of handling c-n-p.

No prob.

Posted by ispmike on Dec. 03 2004,05:47
Are Gaim and Xine broken in 0.9? I keep getting this error >>

gaim: error while loading shared libraries: libfreetype.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Posted by cbagger01 on Dec. 03 2004,05:52
Quote (roberts @ Dec. 02 2004,18:34)
dsl-embedded-0.9.zip is now available for download.
This is packaged with the latest stable release of qemu-0.6.1


Even the Qemu 0.6.1 release still has the network corruption bug for MSWindows host PC and user-net networking.  DSL 0.9 users will experience occasional network corruption when web browsing (corrupted pictures) and when installing extensions from the myDSL click-n-run gui.

This problem was fixed in the Qemu nightly build released on 11/21/2004.

See this thread for details:

< http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2004-11/msg00356.html >

You can get the fixed version of Qemu here:

< ftp://ftp.freeoszoo.org/qemu/win32/daily/QemuInstall-20041121.exe >

Or get even newer builds from the daily build directory:

< ftp://ftp.freeoszoo.org/qemu/win32/daily/ >

After you save the file to your Windows PC, run the *.exe and then go to your destination install directory.

There should be a bunch of files that are later versions of the Qemu files that are contained in your DSL embedded directory.

Replace the older DSL embedded qemu files with the newer versions that are located somewhere inside the destination install directory.

Here is the list:

Then your network corruption problems should go away.

Posted by ke4nt1 on Dec. 03 2004,06:43

I have added the missing lib into the 2 extensions in question ..
please redownload ..

I will post up a new topic on this issue ..


Posted by roberts on Dec. 03 2004,07:54
You can get the fixed version of Qemu here:

< ftp://ftp.freeoszoo.org/qemu/win32/daily/QemuInstall-20041121.exe >

Thanks cbagger01. I have reposted the dsl-embedded-0.9.zip using the fixed version of qemu.

When downloading this version the readme indicates that this is the fixed network version.

Posted by ispmike on Dec. 03 2004,08:37
Quote (ke4nt1 @ Dec. 03 2004,01:43)

I have added the missing lib into the 2 extensions in question ..
please redownload ..

I will post up a new topic on this issue ..


They are both working now, thanks.

Posted by henk1955 on Dec. 03 2004,11:41
what happend to iso-8859-15 charset?
Posted by clivesay on Dec. 04 2004,02:50
Finally got home from business trip and d/l. I can't believe I am staring at Siag and Firefox in a distro under 50mb! I can remember when it was considered a no go to have these in the base distro! �:)

Again, great job. It appears that there are a few glitches here and there but nothing that can't be easily overcome it seems.

Amazing work!


Posted by ico2 on Dec. 07 2004,18:43
scite was the best, shame to lose it :(
Posted by adraker on Dec. 07 2004,21:51
Quote (henk1955 @ Dec. 03 2004,06:41)
what happend to iso-8859-15 charset?

Good question

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