error messages at shutdown

Forum: HD Install
Topic: error messages at shutdown
started by: och

Posted by och on May 19 2008,13:40
I am working on a frugal install in text mode only. So I don't have access to the usual tools through the graphical interface and I try to find out what the equivalent text commands are by looking in the .fluxbox/menu file and the called lua files.
My basic issue is to save passwords. I added etc/shadow to /opt/.filetool.lst and created an empty /opt/.xfiletool.lst so that seems happy.
I performed a
Code Sample
sudo backup
which created a backup.tar.gz
Code Sample

dsl@ttyp0[dsl]$ sudo reboot
/usr/local/bin/umix: /dev/mixer: No such device
/usr/local/bin/umix: Failed opening mixer
/usr/local/bin/umix: Failed initializing mixer devices
sed: /opt/.dfmext: No such file or directory

Broadcast message from root (ttyp0) Fri Feb �8 01:55:46 1980...

The system is going down for reboot NOW !!

My passwords are unknown at reboot. As the messages here above are the only cue of something wrong, I'd like to know their origin.

Posted by chaostic on May 19 2008,23:04
Did you add "etc/shadow" to .filetool.lst, or did you add "/etc/shadow"? /etc/shadow is the correct file.

Second, for the umix errors, do you have sound working? Do you want to save your current sound settings? If not, remove the umix volume settings saving from

I don't believe the two are related.

Posted by och on May 20 2008,13:18
I confirm that etc/shadow is the right way to write it in .filetool.lst .
There were actually two different issues:
- the default .filetool.lst indicated, among other files and directories, home/root , which does not exist. That error induced an interruption of the script.
- I had the apparently wrong remembering that the backup was automatic at shutdown after a first manual backup. As is not taking the backup into account, I have to add
Code Sample backup

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