How can I get DSL 4.4.4 to look like 3.3 desktop?

Forum: HD Install
Topic: How can I get DSL 4.4.4 to look like 3.3 desktop?
started by: pcdoctor

Posted by pcdoctor on Aug. 14 2008,01:47
How can I get DSL 4.4.4 to look like 3.3?
Meaning, how go I get the icons on the desktop of 3.3 to appear in 4.4.4?
I have the DSL book which contains v.3.3.
I might have overlooked this info on the wiki.


Posted by mikshaw on Aug. 14 2008,01:55
3.x uses Xtdesk to provide the desktop icons. 4.x uses dfm.
You can copy xtdesk (from /usr/X11R6/bin ??) and /home/dsl/.xtdesktop into your new system, and change /home/dsl/.xinitrc to load xtdesk instead of dfm

Posted by pcdoctor on Aug. 25 2008,10:47
Ok. �Is there any way to add icons to your desktop using dfm? �I installed DSL 3.3 from the DSL book for my ten year old cousin. �I'm wondering if I should install 4.4.4? �Thx.
Posted by roberts on Aug. 26 2008,18:10
Right click on any desktop icon > Create > New Program Icon
Posted by u2musicmike on Aug. 27 2008,21:23
Is there a property to change the double click icon to single click in DSL 4.4.4?  I just got so used to single clicking to open a program but I really like the look of DSL 4.4.4.
Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Aug. 31 2008,07:03
Is there a property to change the double click icon to single click in DSL 4.4.4?  I just got so used to single clicking to open a program but I really like the look of DSL 4.4.4.
There doesn't seem to be an option in the config for that.  You'd probably have to change the source...

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