Dual Boot not happeningForum: HD Install Topic: Dual Boot not happening started by: mister_mm Posted by mister_mm on Nov. 22 2008,18:42
This is what GParted reports:brackets are for clarification /dev/hda1 �ext3 �/ � �(Puppy) � 5gb �429mb �4.5gb �boot /dev/hda2 extended � � � � � � �32gb � � � � � � � � � � �lba �/dev/hda5 linux swap � � � � � � 1gb �/dev/hda6 ext3 � � � (DSL) � � �2gb �197mb �1.8gb �unallocated � � � � � � � � � � � � 29gb I installed Puppy first placing GRUB in the MBR. Then I installed DSL and did not install GRUB thinking I could just edit GRUB menu.lst later. I used Geany in Puppy to edit menu.lst as follows: #Linux bootable partition config begins �title Linux (on /dev/hda1) �root (hd0,0) �kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1 ro vga=normal �title DSL �kernel /boot/linux24 root=/dev/hda6 quiet vga=normal noacpi noapm nodma noscsi �initrd /boot/minirt24.gz #Linux bootable partition config ends When I choose DSL from the GRUB list at boot I get the error 15 message. � I had been thinking that my syntax in GRUB was at fault. Now I am wondering if it is because I have no mount point for DSL in hda6 as shown in GParted. I am hoping I might find some assistance to remedy my problem here in the forum. mm Posted by curaga on Nov. 22 2008,19:33
Your current configuration assumes you have the DSL kernel and minirt24.gz on hd(0,0) or hda1 in /boot. If they are on hda6, first check in grub what it is named (by tab-completion, type "root(hd" and press tab). Then you'll need to addroot (hd0,X) right after title DSL, like the Puppy entry has. Posted by mister_mm on Nov. 22 2008,20:56
GRUB menu.lst now reads:title DSL root (hd0,5) kernel /boot/linux24 root=/dev/hda6 quiet vga=normal noacpi noapm nodma noscsi initrd /boot/minirt24.gz Still no joy. I keep looking at GParted and now I wonder if I need to flag DSL partion as "boot". And the fact that there is no "root" / mountpoint has me unsure still. It seems the more I try to find a sloution the more confused I become. mm Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Nov. 22 2008,21:09
Are you sure you the files are there?Navigate to a (mounted) hda6 and check, i.e. using `find` Posted by mister_mm on Nov. 22 2008,21:47
Okay I have /mnt/hda6/boot open and it contains the following:grub linux24 System.map System.map-2.4.31 Posted by mister_mm on Nov. 22 2008,21:58
I am thinking, at the moment, to reinstall DSL. Let it reinstall GRUB and overwrite the original. Then I can use DSL to write the entry for Puppy. I already know what works for Puppy. That should work but still does not answer my current problem for which there should be a simple fix I believe. I just have been unable to hit upon that fix as yet. I hate to bow out a loser but.... mm Posted by mister_mm on Nov. 23 2008,03:37
Did the reinstall thing. I am now dual-booting two linux distros on this drive. Dare I go for three? Oh why not I ask myself. Now I need to decide what distro I want to download and install. It will give me something to play with. Thanks to those who offered help.mm Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Nov. 23 2008,05:56
FWIW, you were missing minirt24.gz My guess is that you used the frugal (grub) install script and chose the upgrade option which could've automatically skipped over it with the assumption that it's already there. Posted by mister_mm on Nov. 25 2008,20:31
You are correct "hats"....had I left out the initrd line altogether it would have worked. I should have written this:title DSL kernel /boot/linux24 root=dev/hda6 quiet vga=normal noacpi noapm nodma noscsi leaving out the initrd line.....thanks again to you for the interest mm Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Nov. 26 2008,04:41
My guess was actually something different, but I had forgotten about your setup. Good to see that you found the solution anyways.