First time!

Forum: HD Install
Topic: First time!
started by: begy

Posted by begy on Feb. 06 2004,12:33

I've just downloaded DS linux and i'm wondering now what?This is my first linux installation,i don't have CD-wirter so i can't burn it,someone told me i can use it on windows with Virtal PC,but i want to install DSL only.Oh,and i have software modem will this be extra trouble?This is my first time so anything is helpfull... Thank you!

Posted by Rapidweather on Feb. 06 2004,13:51
I buy the CD's from DSL's John Andrews, so I can't help on the iso.
About the winmodem: I have a modem in this computer that will not work
on any other Linux distro but Damn Small Linux. So, there might be hope,
when you get DSL running, just cd to /etc and:
#wvdialconf wvdial.conf
If the WvDial program can detect your modem, you'll see that in the output
of wvdialconf, and it will write a wvdial.conf that you then need to edit for
your ISP's phone number, your username and password. If not, you can get
an external hardware modem, connect it to a serial port, and give that a try.
You can leave your software modem in place, for use with Windows, and use
the hardware modem for DSL.
To dial up with wvdial, just:
and your modem should get you connected.

Posted by begy on Feb. 06 2004,14:14
thx for modem help but i frist have to get it instaled...and i doubt that they can send me CD to Bosnia,and it's question how i can send them money ???
Posted by hasty on Feb. 06 2004,19:03
Just a hasty (i.e. ill thought out suggestion) �:blues:

Why not download an ISO reading prog. such as isobuster which works under windows. (try tucows)
Open the ISO and copy the files..
Then try Rapidws suggestion of mounting the /knoppix folder on your hard drive and using a floppy to boot with.

You'll have to trawl through the forums to get the full details:)
I can't really advise you abou this as I generally do a HD install or run off the CD.
Hope it gives you an idea................

Posted by enthusi on Feb. 06 2004,19:08
Is there a prob with the post in Bosnia?
or just insecurity when money is send?
If its ok with John I think someone close to you can make you a copy for free...
I can for example - germany. Dunno.
Do you have any bad experience with post getting lost?

Posted by hasty on Feb. 06 2004,21:34
OK had �time to think :)

Rapidweathers method should work.
You don't need an ISO buster proggie as the DSL cd is easily read under windows (first time I've looked).

The only problem is creating the boot image floppy.

First copy the /knoppix folder to C:\

Then try and download tomsrtbt floppy <> and use that to boot with. (Well worth getting & keeping anyway).

Then you can use the dd command to create the DSL boot floppy

"dd if=/cdrom/knoppix/boot.img of=/dev/fd0 bs=18k"
(quick break down if input file, of = output file,  fd0 1st floppy drive, bs block size)

NB Under toms you will need to mount the cd drive before you can use the dd command

mkdir /cdrom                                          
mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdb /cdrom              
(here I'm assuming that hdb is your cd drive but you can find out what it is called by using �- � �dmesg | grep hd � � � �-�at the command prompt)
(mkdir = make directory, mount tells the system to read device, -t type of encoding iso9660 for cd but could be vfat for windows etc.)

HTH in haste :)

Posted by begy on Feb. 06 2004,22:35
thx hasty :)
I'll try that.Hope it will work i'm only woried if i mess up something(99,9%), can i fix thing easy?

Posted by hasty on Feb. 07 2004,16:16
>>i'm only woried if i mess up something(99,9%), can i fix thing easy? <<

I think that bootable distros like DSL & Knoppix are the best thing that has happened to linux.

The one thing new computer users are all worried about is doing something that will harm their computer.
With a bootable distro it doesn't matter what you do as a reboot fixes all.
Even a hard disk install with Damn Small takes only a few minutes till it's up & running again.

Unfortunately you only learn by making mistakes  :D

Lets know how you get on........

Posted by begy on Feb. 07 2004,17:18
true,i'm geting out of troubles all the time, and learning by the way,but this is my first expirience with linux instalation.I'm familiar with commands and some thins since i grew up on IRC...Done with talking i'm going to install it now.I'll keep you informed. :;):
Posted by hasty on Feb. 07 2004,18:35
Way to go :)
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