HSP56 Modem doesn´t work,

Forum: Networking
Topic: HSP56 Modem doesn´t work,
started by: marcosg

Posted by marcosg on Mar. 06 2004,12:47
1º hello, I´ve find the drivers for my HSP56 modem, PC-tel.
Ok, but I cant compile and install them!
I try to configure the dial up conection, but whe I go to Dial, the app just go out, disapear... ¿It is because my modem is not installed?
De autodetection works fine, it detects my modem, but then, just don´t work
Thanks for reading this

2º I have download audacity and work OK, I´ve download another programs but they doesn´t work because DSL have not a C compiler on $path ¿Someone can help me? TCC is a compiler, but I can´t fin him!
3º I cant run apt-get, i have not net acces, and i´ve follow the instructions
(move to /var/lib, then uncompres it: tar dpkg.tar.gz)
I´ve download dpkg.tar.gz from my windows net acces dial up connection and put the file in /var/lib.
Because I need to install some audio programs.

[email protected]

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