ndiswrapper netgear wn511bForum: Networking Topic: ndiswrapper netgear wn511b started by: yrogerg64 Posted by yrogerg64 on May 09 2008,02:26
I hope to tap the wisdom of the forum members on this one.I am running dsl 4.25 on a frugal hd install. �When trying to run ndiswrapper to set up the netgear wn511b card, modprobe reports a problem with the driver. �I have been able to get this card to work using ndiswrapper in Knoppix 5.1. �I am assuming that dsl may be using an earlier version of ndiswrapper which does not have support for this particular chipset. �Being somewhat of a noob, I'm not sure where to go next. �Is there a relatively simple method to compile and run a newer version of ndiswrapper short of remastering? Posted by lucky13 on May 09 2008,12:29
No and remastering would be the easier part of it. The more recent versions of ndiswrapper require newer gcc, etc. |