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Topic: Install Scripts for SIAG Office 3.5.7, Got the bandwidth?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
cbagger01 Offline

Group: Members
Posts: 4264
Joined: Oct. 2003
Posted: Dec. 02 2003,08:33 QUOTE

Hi all,

Below you will find install scripts for the SIAG Office suite.

There are two scripts: ".start_siag" and ".install_siag"

Note the period "." in front of the file name. Both of these scripts are meant to be saved in the /home/damnsmall directory.  Copy and paste each script into a text editor and save them. Then, from an xterminal shell (rxvt), type 'chmod 755 .start_siag' and then press the ENTER key. Next type 'chmod 755 .install_siag' and then press the ENTER key.

To start or install SIAG Office, type './.start_siag' and then press the ENTER key.  If SIAG Office is not already installed, the script will then call the .install_siag script.  A Siag Run Menu will then appear and ask you "Which Siag Office program do you want to start up?"

The idea here is to add the .start_siag script to the Fluxbox Menu tree in future releases of DSL.  Please add reply to this
post to let me know if it works for you and whether or not you have a hard disk install or are using from the live CD.

Here are the scripts:

Code Sample
# .start_siag - Checks to see if SIAG Office is already installed
#               and starts run menu. Else, run the install script first.
# Rev 0 11/30/03
# Menu code stolen from originally written by:
# (c) 2003 Granig Andreas <[email protected]>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# Check to see if SIAG is already installed
if  test -f '/usr/local/bin/siag'
    echo 'Siag already installed, loading menu...'

# Otherwise, run the insall script as root
cd /home/damnsmall
rxvt -rv -T "installing SIAG Office..." -e sudo -u root ./.install_siag

#Siag Office Run Menu starts here
OFFICEAPP="egon gvu siag pw xedplus xfiler"

# Default Parameters

# Path to dialog application

MENUHEAD="Siag Office Run Menu:\n"

MENUTOP="   egon    = presentation and animation program\n
  gvu     = Postscript viewer program\n
  siag    = Scheme In A Grid spreadsheet program\n
  pw      = Pathetic Writer word processing program\n
  xedplus = text editor program\n
  xfiler  = file manager program\n"

# Row and Columns for menu

# Save tempfile creation
TMPFILE=`tempfile -d /tmp -p lingu 2>/dev/null`

# Sub definitions

OnDefault "You have canceled the Siag Office routine."

OnDefault "An unknown error occured during the Siag Office routine."

exit 1;

  case $? in
     1) OnCancel;;
     *) OnError;;

for i in $3; do
ITEMS="$ITEMS $i $2";
$DIALOG --menu \

# Let's launch the menu...
# Choose your office application
ShowMenu "$MENUHEAD\n$MENUTOP\nChoose the application to run:" "Application" "$OFFICEAPP"
rm -f $TMPFILE
exec /usr/local/bin/$SELAPP &

Code Sample
# .install_siag - Downloads and installs SIAG Office for a
#                 Damn Small Linux user.
# Rev 0 11/29/03

# First, create a /usr tree on the ramdisk if the user is running from
# the Damn Small Linux Live CD. Why? Because the default /usr tree is
# linked to the read-only CDROM file system and new files are not allowed.
# Lets create a REAL /usr tree structure on the ramdisk and add a bunch of
# Symlinks back to the CDROM for all of the files inside the old /usr tree.
ls -l /usr | grep 'KNOPPIX' > /tmp/installsiag.tmp
if  test -s '/tmp/installsiag.tmp'
    echo 'System is running from a Live CD compressed image filesystem. '
    echo 'Creating a writable /usr tree on the RAM Disk...'
    cp -srd /KNOPPIX/usr/ /ramdisk
    ln -sf --target-directory=/ /ramdisk/usr
rm /tmp/installsiag.tmp

# Next, download, unpack and install the Vector Linux 3.2 Mowitz libraries
echo 'Grabbing Mowitz libraries...'
wget -c
tar -zxvf Mowitz-0.2.2-i386-1.tgz
rm -rf /home/damnsmall/Mowitz-0.2.2-i386-1.tgz
sh ./install/

# Next, download, unpack and install the Vector Linux 3.2 XawM libraries
echo 'Grabbing XawM libraries...'
wget -c
tar -zxvf XawM-1.5u-i386-1.tgz
rm -rf /home/damnsmall/XawM-1.5u-i386-1.tgz
sh ./install/

# Next, download, unpack and install the Vector Linux 3.2 SIAG Office binaries
echo 'Grabbing SIAG Office binaries...'
wget -c
tar -zxvf siag-3.5.7-i386-1.tgz
rm -rf /home/damnsmall/siag-3.5.7-i386-1.tgz
sh ./install/

# Before finishing the install, move the newly installed files into
# the main /usr tree.
cd /usr
cp -r --reply=yes /home/damnsmall/usr ../
cd /home/damnsmall

# Creating symbolic links to the new libraries
cd /usr/lib
ln -s /usr/local/lib/
ln -s /usr/local/lib/
cd /home/damnsmall

# Create Desktop Icon for SIAG Office programs
cp /usr/local/share/siag/common/bitmaps/egon.xpm /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/egon.xpm
echo 'table Icon' > /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/egon.lnk
echo '  Type: Program' >> /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/egon.lnk
echo '  Caption: Egon' >> /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/egon.lnk
echo '  Command: egon' >> /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/egon.lnk
echo '  Icon: /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/egon.xpm' >> /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/egon.lnk
echo '  X: 295' >> /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/egon.lnk
echo '  Y: 200' >> /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/egon.lnk
echo 'end' >> /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/egon.lnk
chown damnsmall:staff /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/egon.lnk
chown damnsmall:staff /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/egon.xpm

# Create Desktop Icon for SIAG Office programs
cp /usr/local/share/siag/common/bitmaps/pw.xpm /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/pw.xpm
echo 'table Icon' > /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/pw.lnk
echo '  Type: Program' >> /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/pw.lnk
echo '  Caption: Pathetic Writer' >> /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/pw.lnk
echo '  Command: pw' >> /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/pw.lnk
echo '  Icon: /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/pw.xpm' >> /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/pw.lnk
echo '  X: 295' >> /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/pw.lnk
echo '  Y: 286' >> /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/pw.lnk
echo 'end' >> /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/pw.lnk
chown damnsmall:staff /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/pw.lnk
chown damnsmall:staff /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/pw.xpm

# Create Desktop Icon for SIAG Office programs
cp /usr/local/share/siag/common/bitmaps/siag.xpm /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/siag.xpm
echo 'table Icon' > /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/siag.lnk
echo '  Type: Program' >> /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/siag.lnk
echo '  Caption: Siag' >> /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/siag.lnk
echo '  Command: siag' >> /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/siag.lnk
echo '  Icon: /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/siag.xpm' >> /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/siag.lnk
echo '  X: 295' >> /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/siag.lnk
echo '  Y: 359' >> /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/siag.lnk
echo 'end' >> /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/siag.lnk
chown damnsmall:staff /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/siag.lnk
chown damnsmall:staff /home/damnsmall/.xtdesktop/siag.xpm

# Clean up some junk in the /home/damnsmall directory
rm -rf /home/damnsmall/usr
rm -rf /home/damnsmall/install
rm -rf /home/damnsmall/opt
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woverin Offline

Group: Members
Posts: 115
Joined: Nov. 2003
Posted: Dec. 10 2003,12:08 QUOTE

nice job :laugh:
keeps up good work
Tested on 0.5.1 HDD install
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