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cbagger01 Offline

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Posted: Nov. 13 2003,00:27 QUOTE

I have a cable modem and home router install, so I don't use wvdial.

As for Opera, I used version 6.02 on my old computer and it works well for me.
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curious Offline

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Posted: Nov. 13 2003,00:42 QUOTE

I'll post copy of my wvdialer config file within couple days.  I am just doing a quick email check and check on some bulletin boards I post to, then am off line for the night.   I've used wvdialer before, long ago.    What I wonder is why doesnt DSL use one of the many gui front ends for wvdialer that were popular before KPPP?

Dillo is slightly faster than links on DSL for me. Ok to just look, but no javascript support means its not particularly useful if you want to post on most modern bulletin boards. Firebird on dsl reminded me of IE5.5 on win95 on old computer.  Just drags.  Oh will mention I managed to crash Dillo which then crashed DSL.  Got weird  message next time I booted and couldnt get gui.  Nothing on these forums but found info in google search.  Nothing I found worked so just reinstalled DSL Will post about this also.
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curious Offline

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Posted: Nov. 16 2003,17:12 QUOTE

Ok, I promised to give directions on setting up wvdial.  You can go into files and modify them using your choice of editor, but author was so kind to give a setup script.  I will give step by step instructions even rawest newbie can follow using the script.  Well hopefully. This is for version 0.4.10  Probably work on other versions.

1. boot dsl either from cd or hardrive.
2. right click anywhere on blank space of desktop.
3. left click apps
4. left click system
5. left click PPP/wvdial
6. left click modemconfig
7. enter the number of com port that your modem is on
8. press enter
9. press enter
10. repeat steps 2 thru 5
11. left click pppconfig
12. type in "y" without quotes
13. press enter
14. replace 010700192070 with your isp's local pop number, not using any dashes or spaces.  (To do this read about using vi editor.  You use arrow keys to manuever cursor.  Delete key to delete text.  Esc key after deleting.  Insert key before typing new text. Esc key again. When thru editing everything on this page, then type :wq and press enter.  This saves all your changes.)
15. replace the word, username, with the username your isp assigned you. This may be in form of [email protected] or may just be joeblow.  You get the idea.  Same as you would use in KPPP dialer or in DUN on winblows.
16. replace the word, password, with the password your isp assigned you.  Remember when thru editing to press ESC then type :wq to save changes.
17. Now you are back to page asking if you want to edit pap secrets.  Type y and enter.
18. Scroll down in pap secrets to:

   *    debian   ""          *
   root   *      "internet"  *
   root arcor    "internet"  *
   arcor  *      "internet"  *

Leave all punctuation in place!!  Replace the word, arcor, with your isp username.  Replace the word, internet, with your isp password.  Remember this is still using vi editor commands as when editing previous page.
19. Scroll down to:

   debian  *  password

Replace the word, password, with your isp password.  Dont forget to press ESC and save changes by typing :wq and pressing enter.
20.  You are now back to selection page.  Type n and enter if you dont need to see the previous pages over again.  Have to do this twice.  
21.  Back to desktop, repeat steps 2 thru 5, then click wvdial.  A wvdialer box should appear and connect you to your isp. Once connected, minimize dialer box, dont close it.  Closing it disconnects you.
22.  Now going thru steps 2 thru 5 again then left clicking floppyconfig lets you store the settings on a floppy disk.  Same command also lets you restore them on a new boot.  Handy for booting from cd.  Your settings mostly will remain if you have hardrive install.  One bug will force you to tell it once again which port you have modem. No biggie, just rerun modemconfig.  Then you can connect.

Hope this helps.
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curious Offline

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Posted: Nov. 16 2003,17:49 QUOTE

Quote (davide @ Nov. 12 2003,07:28)
hum, your report is very interesting and usefull.
did you try dillo on DSL? how did it work? I mean, that browser is very light and fast.
how much ram do you have on your P75Mhz pc? has it got a double boot? if, so, how does winblows behave compared to dsl? are you enabling swap partition when you surf the net?

and finally: what were the changes you had to make on config file to get your dial up working? (just to let everybody know in case someone else has got this problem) :D

Yes I tried dillo, it is fastest on my setup of DSL, but cant post on most bulletinboards since most now require javascript, at least minimal javascript.  I have around 40mb ram. Yes I have dual boot with win95 and lilo controlling it.  I tried experiment, I loaded IE5.5 off an old isp cd (bloated monster that is slow on old equipment), then CrazyBrowser (small browser that uses IE rendering engine and some other files).  I then used ieradicater software to banish IE and save space (only a 300mb partition).  CrazyBrowser lives and runs (apparently enough IE files remain).  CrazyBrowser is quick but simular speed to K-meleon (mozilla derivative)  Definitely faster than Firebird runs on DSL and with simular goodies.  Oh and yes I gave DSL around a 60mb swap partition to play with.  My instructions on setting up wvdial are in post previous to this.  By way I like Sylpheed mail client alot.  Tried the windows version also.  Its slower but still stable.  Also found another client called InScribe (free version is i.scribe) that is pretty good.  Also available for both linux and windows.  By way there is one called Geminisoft Pimmy for windows.  Very small and kinda neat and its free.
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Gilbert Ashley Offline

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Posted: Nov. 18 2003,22:18 QUOTE

Curious, thanks for posting such clear instructions. Just one thing, in pap-secrets did you change this line
root   arcor   "internet"   *
or was it this one?
arcor   *   "internet"   *
I've had a devil of a time with this because I live in Germany and the user names and passwords have to be inclosed in quotes as they contain non-alphanumeric characters. I really don't mind using the debian pppconfig/pon/poff but since wvdial is 'on the menu' it would be nice to amke it work. Thanks. Otherwise your HOWTO couldn't be any more explicit!
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