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Topic: Make wvdial easier to use, Script or automate use of wvdial script< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
tncummings Offline

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Posted: Nov. 24 2007,14:54 QUOTE

I've installed 3.4.6 on an old Dell Latitude CPi and set up a wvdial script to tether a cell phone as a modem. As it is working now, the root user must activate the script at the command line using the command

Code Sample
wvdial --config tether.conf

I stop the script using CTR+C.

I'd like to set this up so a non-Linux user can easily point and click to activate and deactivate the script. I've futzed around with PPPD some, and have about abandoned that idea. I've been thinking about a shell script with a desktop icon, but I'm not sure I want to compromise the root password.

I'd appreciate any thoughts or ideas!
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roberts Offline

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Posted: Nov. 24 2007,15:15 QUOTE

wvdial is not in DSL, must be using an extension?
Why not use sudo in front of your wvdial command?
With 3.4.6 you can use the icontool to attach a desktop icon.
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^thehatsrule^ Offline

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Posted: Nov. 24 2007,22:11 QUOTE

You could also setuid on wvdial instead (assuming wvdial is a setuid safe binary)
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tncummings Offline

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Posted: Nov. 26 2007,02:15 QUOTE

thanks for the ideas and options. I'll start plugging through these.

Yes, I did add wvdial through the extensions. To further explain the issue, the laptop will be used in a retail store to demo the modem capabilities of cell phones. I was able to get a Motorola V3 RAZR, Nokia 6555, and a Sony Erricson W580 using ATT cellular service to work with this single wvdial script. I'm now trying to make the execution of the script as easy as possible for the sales staff without compromising the security of the laptop.
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tncummings Offline

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Posted: Dec. 19 2007,03:22 QUOTE

Thought I should post the resolution to this...

As suggested, I used the icontool to automate the script.

First, though, I created my wvdial.conf file
Code Sample

[Dialer Defaults]
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Init3 = AT+cgdcont =1, "IP", "isp.cingular"
Modem Type = USB Modem
Baud = 460800
New PPPD = yes
Modem = /dev/ttyACM0
ISDN = 0
Phone = *99#
Password = CINGULAR1
Username = [email protected]
Stupid mode = 1

Next, I created a small shell script called

Code Sample
sudo su -c "wvdial --config /home/dsl/wvdial.conf"

Then, I used icontool to create a "Tether" icon to start wvdial in a terminal window:
Code Sample

aterm -e /home/dsl/

I've tested this with a Motorola RAZR, Nokia 6555, and Sony Ericsson W580i. They all work perfectly! Thanks again for your help.
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