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Topic: How do I use SSH?, I'm really confused!< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
KB1LQC Offline

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Posted: Dec. 27 2007,03:22 QUOTE

SO I searched the forums and the web, neither directly answering my question... how do you use SSH?  I go to system > Daemons > SSH > Start but after that there is nothing to tell me whats going on.  Am I supposed to see something?  what do I do?
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john.martzouco Offline

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Posted: Dec. 27 2007,12:12 QUOTE

Hi KB,

SSH itself is a non-graphical set of tools.  You probably know already that its used to transfer files (scp, sftp), or log on remotely (ssh) and run commands in the shell.

When you click the SSH button on the Control Panle, it starts up the sshd daemon on your host machine and it ruins, waiting for an external connection.  You can verify that sshd is running by executing ps | grep "sshd" in a console window; it should reply with a one-liner showing you the PID of the daemon.

A prerequisite to using SSH is that your dsl user account have a password.  I don't know what the default password is for the account, so I run sudo passwd dsl in a console and assign a password to the account.  Don't let the warnings fool you, a short or easy password can be successfully assigned... it's the last message from passwd that counts... it should indicate success.

You'll also need to know the IP address of your host machine.  This is easy to get, it's right there on the DSL desktop in the torsmo display of information, top right corner desktop.  Let's call this aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd[/d]

The first time that you connect to your host, you will be see a security prompt regarding the host's [b]fingerprint
.  Type in yes to accept the connection.

Now that you have your system set up, you will need to connect to it from another machine; i.e the client.  Try any of the following to use the SSH suite of tools:

1) fetch a file:
   client side:  
       sftp [email protected]
       enter the dsl user's password

Now you'll have a copy of the /home/dsl folder on your client machine.

2) send a file:
   client side:
       scp c:\autoexec.bat [email protected]:
       enter the dsl user's password

Now you'll have a copy of your autoexec.bat on the host machine in the /home/dsl folder.

3) run a command remotely:
   client side:
       ssh aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
       enter the dsl user's password
       execute any non-graphical command you want... try ls

Of course, you're going to need a client machine with SSH tools installed as well.  If you're running Windows on your client, copSSH is the best choice currently.
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curaga Offline

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Posted: Dec. 27 2007,16:14 QUOTE

And for your mobile phone, there's a version of Putty :)

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KB1LQC Offline

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Posted: Dec. 27 2007,23:22 QUOTE

OK So I have it working now to an extent (THANKS!) though I had to set the IP static and us ifconfig to find it (I don't have that display in the top right corner for some reason...).  When I logon to it through ssh I only get the terminal and I would like to have a full desktop, I believe that can be done with SSH?  How would I set it up, I try starting x through the terminal SSH but it gives me an error (Picture of Error)

Thank You,
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lucky13 Offline

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Posted: Dec. 27 2007,23:30 QUOTE

You want VNC for that, but you should definitely tunnel it through SSH for security reasons. There are guides all over the internet explaining how to do that.

(and boo @ ubuntu)

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