Alot is said about getting Linux more accepted among the masses. I have said before that the only way to do that is through the kids. I saw an example of that last night.
I was meeting with 3 families to give them their first PC. For those that don't know, I use a remastered version of DSL for these machines. One family came in with 4 children. These kids had already seen one of my PC's from another family that had received one. The kids ran by their dad and right up to the PC. Immediately they clicked on the wmdrawer button, brought up their favorite games, and went to town!! They were having a ball! The fact that these PC's did not have M$ on them did not matter in the least to these children. They already knew how to navigate the OS and were having fun.
I am telling you, people are ready for Linux. It will just take people like us to push and educate the general public. I am doing it in my community are you in yours? :)
As of right now, I estimate there are nearly 100 children in my community with a Linux PC. This number will grow exponentially this year. I had ONE elementary school send home letters with 90 children who do not have a PC in their home just last week. There are nearly a dozen elementary schools in my county alone. That shows you the potential.
All this joy generated by Linux and 'junk' PC's. Life is good.